FairPrice Foundation


A. Eligibility of Sponsorships


The FairPrice Foundation was set up specifically to help the poor and needy, promote nation building and community bonding as well as advance workers’ welfare. Sponsorship requests that are aligned with the following will be considered:-


Poor and Needy
In line with FairPrice’s social mission of moderating the cost of living, and aspiring to make lives better , the Foundation aims to give “relief of any form of necessity, destitution and helplessness” to the less fortunate and provide basic essentials for those who are unable to afford simple necessities.


Nation Building and Community Bonding
As the citizens of Singapore come from different cultures, the Foundation encourages significant nation building initiatives, social community projects that aim at unifying the people, and advancing social harmony.


Workers’ Welfare
As a Co-operative founded by the Labour movement, FairPrice seeks to contribute towards the welfare of workers and their families in Singapore and provide aid whenever it is needed.


We regret that sponsorship requests that fall outside the above strategic objectives will not be considered.


B. Procedure for Submission of Sponsorship Requests


Requests for Sponsorships must be submitted via Online Request Form at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the Event or Programme. 


C. Sponsorship Proposal Requirements


Qualified organisations seeking sponsorships should attach an official request letter (on your organization letterhead) and a proposal when filling up the online form.


The proposal should be concise and not exceeding two pages in length.


To ensure we process your request accurately, please provide the following information in your proposal:-

  • Organization
    Registration Status (e.g. Charity, Society, Registration Number and IPC status validity (if applicable)). Mission, Vision, Objectives and brief description of existing programmes
  • Event or Programme (which you are requesting for funding) – Objective, Date, Time, Venue, Timeline, Publicity Plan and Fund Raising Mechanisms (where appropriate).
  • Targeted Audience –  Age Group of Beneficiaries (e.g. elderly, children), Profile of Beneficiaries (e.g. needy, type of disability). Total number of Beneficiaries reached through this event (Is it individuals and / or families?) and do the beneficiaries benefit directly from your request for sponsorship (e.g. the goody bags that you are requesting for will go directly to the beneficiaries).
  • Projected Income and Expenditure of the Event or Programme, including list of projected and committed alternative funding sources such as sponsorships and ticket sales and dollar amounts for the Event or Programme.
  • Sponsorship Requested – Please indicate if you would like to request for Cheque or Voucher, the total amount requested and what will this be used for.
  • Please also indicate if this event or programme is proposed to be sustainable or on an adhoc basis.
  • If the event or programme has been implemented before, please provide information and outcome of the previous event (s) and audience turnout.


D. Evaluation of Requests


We will only evaluate requests that are within our strategic objectives.


Due to the large number of requests we receive, we appeal to the community for your patience.
The review process will generally take up to 14 working days to complete. We will notify the requesting organisation of our decision in writing.


If a request meets our criteria and funding is available, the requesting organisation may be asked to provide more information before a decision is made.


As the NTUC FairPrice Foundation does not solicit public funds but instead, relies solely on funds donated from NTUC FairPrice Co-operative to support its philanthropic activities, we may have to decline some worthy proposals due to limited funds.


Do keep in mind that any rejection of sponsorship does not reflect in any way a negative appraisal of the requesting organisation or the value of its services or programmes.
And as a registered charity, NTUC FairPrice Foundation regrets that it will not support the following:-


  • Individuals
  • Building Funds
  • Overseas projects which do not benefit the Singaporean community
  • Projects which are not in line with the Foundation’s objectives
  • Projects that are confined to sectional interests of a group of persons (e.g. race, political groups, etc) or serve an exclusively religious or corporate purpose
  • Social and/or commercial events with no community benefits